Thursday, July 21, 2011

I'm thinking about becoming an English teacher in Japan?


But I want to know what qualifications I need?
I'm 18, is this a good age to try it?
Do I need to know Japanese? if so, do I need to know it fluently?
Can I land a job before traveling there?
Can I work there as long as I put in a good effort like most jobs? Is it seasonal?
What is a good salary in USD there?

Are Japanese women interested in American men? xD


Sorry, Steve, it's not going to happen, at least anytime soon. First off, you need a four year degree to qualify for a work visa. So no, 18 isn't a good idea to try it.
You don't need to know Japanese to teach English. In fact, most schools don't want Japanese to be used in the classroom.
The only way to land a job is to have a degree and a job skill a Japanese doesn't have.
Most work visas are for one year. After that it's up to the employer as to if they want to renew the contract or not. Some schools have a limit on renewals, such as JET. It's not seasonal, it's year round.
Some Japanese women like Americans, some don't.

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