Thursday, August 18, 2011

Do I need adapters/transformers for my stuff in Japan?


I'm going to be spending some time in Nagoya, Japan soon. I've done a little research into this but I'm still a little hazy on the details. I've read that Japanese outlets use two prongs that are the same size rather than the American polarized ones but I've heard conflicting accounts on whether you can use American two-prong appliances in the Japanese outlets despite them not being polarized. The three things I'm concerned about specifically are my DS, PSP, and my laptop. The laptop does have a grounding pin so I assume I need some kind of adapter for that but I'm not positive.


The vast majority of items you mentioned there will work without problems. If you have a three pin item, you need a simple adapter from three pins to two pins. No transformers, converters or anything fancy of that nature.

Japan runs on 100v while North America runs 120v, so you don't have to worry about things getting blown up on you if you plug it in. Most products you mentioned there are designed to handle the slightly lower voltage.

Maybe??? Japan isn't on 110v. It's on 100v. You are correct that one half uses 100v 60hz and another uses 100v 50hz, however for the electronic items he's mentioned it shouldn't be a major issue.

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