Monday, August 1, 2011

Where in Asia would I.....?


Alright, so I do not want to sound like I am going through one of those phases almost every kid goes through; when they want to be in the entertainment industry. Since I was young, I have been taking voice lessons, hip hop dance and have studied the fashions of many idols today.

I have a deep love and interest in Asia (I am NOT talking just the surface stuff like Anime and Korean dramas), so I would love to try my luck at the entertainment industry somewhere in Asia, as I really want to move out of America. Being caucasian, I have always been discouraged. As I hear places like Korea only like Asians and thats it.

What do you think?

In what country should I start? Is Korea (and other Asian countries..) as racist and their entertainment industry as closed off to caucasians as it is said?




It's possible to be in the entertainment industry in Korea/Japan. I have seen caucasian actors/actresses in them. The only thing was that they spoke extremely well in Japanese and Korean.

You will need to audition for the positions with the entertainment companies like everyone else. I don't think there are special favors or treatment given to foreigners.

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