Sunday, October 30, 2011

Do you or do you not think that Japan should get nuclear weapons from America? (JAPANESE ONLY, PLEASE)?


friends and brothers -
the CCP and North Korea are near japan's borders, and they threaten the japanese people. for defensive measures, would you not support japan's rearmament?


Japan has only two ways to defend itself.
1) Keep the security relations with the US and stay under US nuclear umbrella.
2) Sever Japan-US Security Treaty and rearm itself with nuclear weapons.

Realistically, #2 is not a possible option. Because,
1) The US would not withdraw its forces from the Far East for its own economic and strategic interests in the Asia-Pacific region.
2) Japan is the only country who is able to financially support 40,000 USF presence in this region with its 600 billion JPN (approx 8 billion USD) annual budget for the USF, which is 10 times the amount of ROK budget for USFK (US Forces in Korea).
3) Geo-politically, Japan is located in an ideal oceanic area to cope with the hypothetical armed conflicts on the Korean Peninsula and the Taiwan Strait.
4) Although this is not known by majority of US public, a large number of US troops have been deployed to the Middle East (Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan) from USF bases in Japan, which is a grave violation of Japan-US Security Treaty.…

Legally, Japan is able to sever the security treaty with the US within a year (article 10 of the treaty).
This Treaty shall remain in force until in the opinion of the Governments of Japan and the United States of America there shall have come into force such United Nations arrangements as will satisfactorily provide for the maintenance of international peace and security in the Japan area. However, after the Treaty has been in force for ten years, either Party may give notice to the other Party of its intention to terminate the Treaty, in which case the Treaty shall terminate one year after such notice has been given.

The surveys for the past few decades show that approx 70% of the Japanese support the security treaty with the US, however, the fact is that majority of the Japanese are not comfortable with the USF presence in Japan. I can hardly imagine any nation on earth who are willingly accept a foreign military on its soil for as long as 66 years, which is the greatest dilemma and contradiction of Japan as an independent nation.

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