Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Is there any cheap, safe way?


Well, im 14, and i was hoping to go on a trip to japan by my self in the summer holidays. you see, every summer me and my family go to a house in the french countryside, which is nice and all, but its in the middle of nowhere and there's no people my age and we have to stay there for the whole summer. literally, we go on the day school ends and get back on the day before school starts! i used to look forward to it, but now my parents are being really rude to me and my friends (no provocation on my part, honestly) and i don't want to go this year so i was wondering if there was any way for me to go on a trip to japan by myself?? it has to be relatively cheap and no sort of dodgy business since my mum would never let me go unless there was some sort of certification. and please, don't give me advice on how to make up with my parents, because I've always been independent, and they're usually too involved in arguing with each other to be trying to make peace with me (its a broken marriage, and they're staying together for reasons i can't fathom) please help, it would take a load of my mind!


You're a minor, you can't go anywhere by yourself. You can't even get on a plane without signed parental consent. You could go to Japan by yourself if you had an adult meet you when you arrived and would take responsibility for you while you were there.
By yourself ? Not going to happen. You need to be 18 to rent a room.

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