Tuesday, November 1, 2011

What's the difference between the endings "-eba, -ra, and "?


I mean, what's the difference between saying: あれば、あったら and あると。(When using the verb "Aru".)

By the way, Please correct this sentece I wrote in japanese and explain to me why it is right or why is it wrong, so I can understand the difference.

What I want to say is " Even if they are a lot of otakus in Japan, a lot of people believe that if you play videogames you become stupid."

Please tell me if I my sentence is right and explain if I should say ゲームをすれば or
ゲームをしたら. But to me ゲームをすると sounds better,



a. 夢(or お金)があれば
b. 夢(お金)があったら
c. 夢(お金)があると

To me, there's not much difference in 3. (they're all "conditional")
I can't choose one that sounds "the most unlikely thing that can happen."


Japanese 馬鹿 is a really tricky word. In your context, 馬鹿 could mean "mania" "freak" "someone who's not intellectual", "indifferent person", which is not as insulting as "stupid" or "an idiot"

Tell a woman she is fair, and she will soon turn fool.
ゲームをすれば and ゲームをしたら sounds more "conditional" (talking about people who don't really play v-games and it means "IF they PLAYED")
ゲームをすると sounds both "conditional (IF they PLAY)" and "when they play...."

For your Japanese sentense, it'd be more natural to say
あまりゲームばかりしていると、”頭が変になる(= go nuts)” と思う人も多い。
(It's talking about people who actually do play v-games, but IF they play TOO MUCH)
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