Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Why are the Japanese guys in my neighborhood so mean?


They're extremely mean to girls. For example, this girl she was being really nice to him and helping him with his homework and stuff, and then he randomly called her a b*tch (I think he said, "You're so useless you b*tch!"

This other guy, if you talked to him or complimented him he would say, "i don't care what you think.''

Another one would start talking to you and treating you as a friend, then as soon as he sees his other friends, he'd dump you and leave you for his friends without good bye.

Oh, there's many more examples. But basically they're really mean. But to girls only. (If they're not mean, they're really ignorant and gossipy).

I've visited Japan for 2 months and everyone there was really nice. I'm just shocked at why they are so mean. Maybe they've been Americanized? (But even then, American guys here aren't as mean). They're all Japanese born and they're only staying here for a few years (I guess like an expatriate).

I'm not trying to generalize, but you'd think that Japanese people are very well-mannered and respectful people, but they are just unbelievable!

Is it normal for a young Japanese boy do this to girls back in Japan, or are they just childish?
Why are they being d0uchebags (excuse my language)? They're not even THAT popular!

NOTE: I've dated one of these boys and it was a horrible experience. It was fun and sweet in the beginning, but he wouldn't even touch me and he kept on avoiding me. He always hangs with his friends and I respect that he needs 'guy time'. But we dated for almost one year, and nothing happened. Everytime we went to see a movie or something I can tell that he hated it.


No matter what race you come from there are just some people who are simply mean. In his case he could be doing that on purpose, or he may not be doing that intentionally. Depending on who they live with and who they're around with people can become very different.

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