Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Does it snow in all of Japan? If yea, how much? (heavy, light, etc.)?



It does snow very heavily in Northern part of Japan during winter. In Northern Island of Hokkaido they even sometimes have troubles cleaning all the snowfall. But it allows Japanese people in the North enjoy snow festivals and skiing resorts.
In central Japan, where Tokyo is, snow is rare, sometimes there is no snow during all winter at all in Tokyo. But last year there was snow about three times in Tokyo, (about 5 cm). It usually pretty much disappears next day.
There is no snow in parts of Japan that are closer to South, and in fact on their South tip it is nice and warm all year round.

quote: "The islands of Japan are located in the Northern hemisphere, but stretched into a long line from North to South roughly speaking. Which enables Japan to enjoy an astounding climate differences by region even for the same season. For example in winter, Japanese people living in Northern Hokkaido are enjoying ice-sculpturing and skiing in 15 meters high snowfall (-10°C/14°F temperature in January); and those living across the country, on the the Southern tip of Japan in the same winter months - are viewing the bloom of tropical flowers, and scuba diving by the coast of exotic Okinawa beaches(+20°C/68°F temperature in same January)."

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