Monday, August 8, 2011

Is it possible to move to Japan if I have a job online and just want to buy a place there?


Like if I'm employed through the internet and I have an income, would they let me move to Japan or does it have to be a Japanese company?


Here's a thought--you can get a student visa, you can get a spousal visa, or a work visa if you work for a company in Japan.
You could get a student visa, to go to Japanese language school. (Go to school for a year or two in the AM and continue your telecommuting job.) You are not supposed to work full-time with a student visa (or there are restrictions or something,) are working online, for a foreign company, so you are not paying taxes on the income in Japan, so it doesn't count. They would have no way of knowing, or even caring if it is not subject to Japanese taxation.

I also work for a company located in Europe, and work online only. But they cannot sponsor my visa, and I use a spousal visa since my wife is Japanese.

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