Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Easiest, fastest way to remember the kana?


I wish to learn the kana and pronunciation ASAP for no particular reason,other than it helping move along my japanese learning


I have two books that are the same, but one is in Japanese and the other English. I've tried learning the kana before but then I forget it all! So, when I'm bored and I practice by translating because I get tired of seeing the same stupid symbol and forgetting it each time and having to go back and look again and again and again! So, most of the hardest ones for me to remember I can remember. Listen to Japanese speakers ....everywhere! for ponouciation! It's really easy actually besides the f and the r at times. masu does not say MAH-SU it says MAS! and anything else that's spelt *asu! that'll help a lot on it's on!

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