Saturday, November 5, 2011

How hard will it be to pick up Japanese anime girls in Tokyo to sleep with?



I am a 49 year old loser from America weigh 300 pounds and I live in my 70 year old mom's basement and I usually enjoy jerking to H-game like School Days and stuff like that.

How hard will it be to pick up anime girl in Japan? I saved up money all my life working at McDonald to save up for airfare to Japan help me please.


This kind of parody is welcome, chief, but you are going to need to up your game. You see, no one believes you, and you sound nothing like the typical weaboo dork.
I think the point you are getting at is that people who want to move to Japan are losers, and I agree people who want to come here to find a girl who will share their enthusiasm for hentai anime are losers, but in actuality there are few that do come here. Thankfully, they have enough shame to realize they shouldn't publicize it here.

So your parody is like a Jay Leno joke: only people with lobotomies may smirk at it, but it's unoffensive, bland, and doesn't make you think. So people will say "now that's comedy!"

By the way, I am in no way defending hentai perverts, I am merely criticizing a joke that is more old and tired than your mom after a long night of streetwalking and looking for johns.

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