Tuesday, March 15, 2011

HELP! My friends Hate Japan? >:(?


My friends all know i love japan and its culture, and monday morning one of my friends kept repeating "ha-ha!" and "japans dead" they all had the attitude of, and i quote "know one cares, its only japan" i ignore them and just hope one day karma strikes them back. the only reason they "care" is because of the ps4 and sony stuff. they keep making jokes about how japan is under water and that all my friends have died. I want to let them know that the world is our home and we are all one BIG family, why are they so cold just because they are asian? What can i say to them tomorow to let them know how narrow minded they are being?


They're horrible. Just remind them that innocent people died, and people have to suffer through all of this. Tell them how they live such an easy life and those people there are under so much stress. Not the kind of stress where you have too much homework, but the stress of losing loved ones and your own house, and such! Tell them how disappointed people would be if they all heard this. Japs are very nice people who did nothing wrong. (Forget WWII they apologized and declare they will no longer fight.)
But remember, you can't straighten out someone who has already gone in a another direction!

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