Friday, March 25, 2011

Is anyone concerned about this latest news on the nuclear reactors?

"It is possible that somewhere at the reactor may have been damaged," said Hidehiko Nishiyama...
...releases from a breach could allow uncontrolled quantities of radioactive contaminants to escape into the surrounding ground or air.
...radiation injuries to workers complicated the battle to control the plant on Friday, two weeks after a quake and tsunami...
...three workers replacing a cable at one reactor were exposed to high contamination by standing in radioactive water on Thursday, officials said. Two were taken to a hospital with possible radiation burns after the water seeped over their boots. "

Can I get a big "OH SH*T!" from the Japanese? And, a "We owe those workers and their families more than we can ever repay. They are heroes."


Unfortunately, the media has over-hyped this aspect of the crisis in Japan. The earthquake, tsunami, and aftershocks all have far more severe consequences for Japan.

They are not entirely to blame as there have been some specialists with credentials in nuclear power who have lied to the media because these specialists are involved in the business of dismantling nuclear power plants for a living. Whenever a power plant has a problem, such persons pop up and tell everyone who will listen that the next accident will wipe-out the human race (or some such exaggeration).

When you hear statements such as "100 times worse than Chernobyl" or "Chernobyl on steroids" that is actually from a professional witness against nuclear power who was once involved in a business that dismantled nuclear power plants. The same person also has an axe to grind agains the nuclear industry as he was unfairly fired from his job and blacklisted from the industry in the 80's. Naturally, he has a bias.

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