Thursday, March 31, 2011

Is it Safe to go to Japan in August this year?


Me and my team have to participate in a competition in Shizouka prefecture, Japan this year. But after the recent earthquake+tsunami that hit the North east region of japan and the increasing Nuclear radiation would it be safe to go or not. We have Paid a total of 40000Rs (75,000 Yen) for registration but i don't want any more money to be put in this travel as it may go waste.
What would you guys suggest?


Shizuoka is in power outage areas. Power might be cut several hours a day during summer.

What is a competition? Why do you want to visit Shizuoka?

I don't know the event. But I'm not sure if they can really organize it in summer. As I said, Shizuoka is in power outage areas. Ask them.

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