Sunday, April 10, 2011

How do Chinese Ninjas Differ from Japanese Ninjas?


I always wondered this. Are Chinese ninjas called something else, because the word "ninja" is Japanese. I was watching Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon and the fight scene on the roof between Zhang Ziyi and Michelle Yeoh, Zhang was wearing ninja attire. So I was just curious... Can anyone help me?

Thanks in advance to anyone who answers! I really appreciate it!


Hey I am a Chinese living in China.

Ninja, Shinobi, and Kunoichi are Japanese words.

Renzhe, Shashou/Shasho, are Chinese. But some people still use the term "ninja' or 'assassin'. Chinese assassins often operated in daylight, in disguise. During ancient times, Japan didn't have very large cities, mostly villages, thus the need to operate at night, and being silent etc. There were many large, heavily populated cities in china with tall buildings and such. Blending in with the crowd was a must.
Chinese assassin often had concealed weapons, not kunai or katana, but ring blades (around your fingers) or needles, and other small projectiles including bombs. However, not all Chinese assassins operated under disguise. Many come out in the open with a blade or strangle their victim. These assassins used intimidation technique. They also wore armor. They are more 'warrior' like.

Chinese: Undercover or in the open, used large variety of weapons, no ninja, just assassin
Japanese: Operate in groups, usually operate at night, usually katana or kunai

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