Sunday, April 10, 2011

I'm afraid of moving to Japan. Can anyone help me?


When my mother was seventeen she was raped by a Russian man and he was sent to prison in Russia and she hasn't seen him since (thank God). But because this happened she had me. I live in Ireland and my mother was Irish. When I was eight my mother finally began seeing other people again she began seeing a Japanese man named Shouhei. Well, my mother died a few years back and Shohei is my step-father and guardian and he wants me to move to Japan with him. I love him so much but I'm kind of scared of Tokyo because it's so big and everyone lives in flats instead of houses and things. I'm used to the rolling hills of Ireland, not the sky scrapers of Tokyo. I just think that it'll be a huge change from my small Irish city of nearly 100,000 people to Tokyo with almost 16M. That's nearly three times the size of the population of the entirety of Ireland. I'm afraid I might get bullied at my new school for looking different and even though I can speak Japanese I'm afraid they will still mock me for my obviously strange accent or worse that they might just choose to ignore me. The music and culture is so different. I know I'm rambling a lot but can anyone give me any advice.


i don't think everyone in Tokyo lives in flats :)

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