Monday, April 11, 2011

Learning in Japan? Looking for someone help.?


One day I hope to eventually live in japan. In order to do that I want to gain knowledge in their language,culture,history,and much more. Im about to finish highschool and now seems to be the perfect time to start making my move. Through college I hope to get those consecutive years needed to live there for a long period. So how can I find myself in college in Japan? Hopefully as someone aiming for an MD in medicine. My GPA as of graduating HS in June is 2.0. I don't have much money and my Japanese is not so good. Can someone recommend soom free schools both in learning the Japanese language and general studies? Or perhaps a schoolarship I can apply to? Ive heard of programs such as MEXT and I have heard of people who help students find language schools for free. Could someone please point me in a good direction. I have no one physically near me to ask such questions. So I hope someone can help me even through the internet. I would appreciate help from any kind people as your answers can In fact make a big impact in my life.


There are no free schools.
With a 2.0 GPA you will not be selected for any scholarships, and you probably won't be admitted to any schools either. A 2.0 isn't even good enough for university in the United States, a country you are from and of which you natively speak the language. So it won't get you anywhere in Japan.

First you need to better your grades. A 2.0 shows that you don't currently have the study skills necessary to do well in a regular university setting (and the "bored genius" excuse is not an excuse). You should attend a community college in your area for a couple of years, get a good GPA, and then look into your university chances at home and abroad.

You will not likely gain the Japanese ability to be accepted at a medical school because Japanese medical schools are set up differently than in the US. The medical school is part of the regular university and you apply directly to it when applying for admission into that university. You study for six years at that same school in order to graduate with an MD, and in order to be accepted you have to pass *THE* most competitive and difficult university entrance exam[s] in Japan. With a 2.0 and basically know Japanese ability, you would not come close to passing.

In my personal opinion, the best thing for you to do is attend community college for a couple of years, transfer to a state university, perhaps do a year or semester-long study abroad in Japan, graduate from that state university and then apply to an American medical school and gain your MD in the US. There is no reason or advantage to getting it in Japan other than you probably feel it would be great to live in Japan. But Japan is not that different than America and I *guarantee* you that if you went to Japan you would find you don't meld completely with the Japanese because your culture, your way of thinking, even your gestures are completely and utterly American.

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