Monday, April 11, 2011

Should I expect any weird reactions being an Aboriginal girl going to Japan?


Or is it just like any other foreigner?
I plan on visiting Japan in two years or so. I've heard of any other race going to Japan - but not my culture. I'm ojibwe, cree & german. I have these evil black eyes & long curly black hair hahah... I'm also quite tall. Aboriginals are usually very dark, but I'm...pretty white. Like... mocha haha. Despite my scary looks I'm a very friendly person. I'm just afraid I will scare a lot of people off. LOL

I just want to know what to expect. I have never been overseas so I don't know about discrimination. No, I'm not labelling all Japanese people I know that there is always very nice and considerate people, especially the Japanese, being respectable/respectful as they are. But that doesn't mean discrimination doesn't exist in places. Pft. I wish lol

Any advice??? :)


Haha, I thought the same thing the first time that I visited Japan. I'm German, Eastern Shawnee, and Seminole. I had always heard that Japanese were very racist, but I didn't experience that. I was treated with respect and kindness. They really don't see the difference between a Native American, European, or Hispanic; they just know that you're not Japanese. ;P As long as you treat them with respect, they will treat you with respect. Sure, some Japanese may be racist, but where isn't racism present? If you're visiting a tourist friendly place (Tokyo or Okinawa), you shouldn't have any problems. Trust me, they won't find you scary. Granted, some of the shorter guys may be fascinated. You should have a great time, don't worry! It's not a racist or crazy place. There's nothing to worry about. Good luck and have fun! ;D

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