Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Love japanese girls but also really nervous around them?


Hi I'm 14 years old, i'm caucasian and English.
I'm not sure why, I just love Japanese girl but I do, they are always so kind and nurturing not to mention the great looks! but the trouble is, I am always really really-reeeaaallly shy around them, like more shy than I am around caucasian girls I'm not sure why this is, I haven't met many japanese people could this be a reason? It's so annoying because the thing I would love most would be to go to Japan but I'm too scared because I'm so shy around them.


Good answer 3day.
Hey bud, I was nervous around girls when I was 14. I had enough hormones to power the island of Manhattan for six weeks.... Those kind of mess with your sense of perception. Perhaps you find Japanese girls particularly attractive and thus particularly difficult to talk to... Understood, and there are some foxy, foxy Japanese girls in the world.

What you do is gradually build up expertise talking to girls and get advice from guys who've been there done that. At the same time recognize that you may not be a ladies' man. AKA "douchebag" like those guys on Jersey Shore. GOOD! You're a normal guy...Good on you.

All I can say is take a look at the guys here married to Japanese girls: I have Yoda as my avatar and he's probably better looking (and a smoother talker) than I am. The rest I won't point out, but they are just normal folks with no superpowers.
You do need confidence, don't get me wrong. But it comes with time and experience. Let me give you one piece of advice-----don't wait to come to Japan to get a girlfriend. You telling me you find white girls completely unattractive? You need to have a relationship with girl(s) before Japan. Anyway, why wait? You're practically jumping out of your skin at the sight of girls, but before too long some of your friends will have girlfriends or dates and can arrange a group date or fix you up with someone. Girls (and some guys) love playing matchmaker, especially with a nice but shy boy. Japanese girls are not particularly difficult to date, but to be in a relationship with one is challenging at times. (If you don't speak the language that's even worse.) Having some experience--I don't mean sex, I mean relationships and approaching women.
Especially with the internet nowadays, you can find people so much easier. And you can communicate through writing/text at first before speaking to them. Good luck.

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