Monday, October 24, 2011

How much money to take on a one week vacation to Japan?


As already stated I'll be on vacation for a week in Okinawa. So I was wondering how much money to bring with me.


You see this type of question so often on here and of course, never with enough information. Are you staying in a hotel an the price that we suggest includes your lodging or not? What do you like to do? Are you old enough to drink and if so do you drink heavily when you're on vacation? Do you want to rent a car? Do you scuba dive? Do you want to go sailing? Do you eat simply or do you plan to dine in fancy restaurants? If you like things like curry, ramen and other cheap places, you don't drink much or plan to have a busy nightlife then you can get by on very little after your hotel is paid.

See all the different things you need to take into consideration? Nowadays people set their budget and leave the money in their account, as opposed to "taking" the cash with them in the form of real money or travelers checks. Then once in country you use your ATM or Debit card to pay for your incidentals.

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