Monday, October 24, 2011

Should i travel to Hokkaido?


Hey guys,Im planing a trip to japan mid-late march for 11 nights and i wanted to spend 5 nights in Tokyo,3 nights in Kyoto and 3 nights in love to go to Hokkaido for some skiing,do you think its worth taking the 3 nights in Hokkaido or would i be better of using them to spend more time in Tokyo and Kyoto?

are there places your still able to ski in Hokkaido during late march?

Im a novice skier and iv only been once here in Australia are there any places to ski for a beginner in Hokkaido?

any advice on my holiday plan would be greatly appreciated!


Just going to Hokkaido in itself would be a great idea, but you would missing the whole experience of being there if you just spent it skiing. There are great places to ski closer to Tokyo that are less expensive and take less time to get there (like Nagano, where they held the Winter Olympics) than Hokkaido. But then, that's just me...

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