Saturday, October 8, 2011

Is it weird for a korean to learn japanese?


i hate the fact that koreans arent supposed to deal anything with japanese culture because of our past. i grew up with anime and video games and yeah...ill admit japanese culture has influenced me alot. my grandma was raised in japan so she knows japanese as well. im fluent in korean but i just want to be fluent in japanese as well. lots of my favorite mangas take forever to be translated and i hope learning the language will help me explore more anime, manga or anything japanese pop culture related.

could it be that bad? i have some japanese friends in my school and they want to learn korean cuz they are obsessed with kpop and the hot drama actors.


Oh herro,
wtf no!! Its completely fine to be Korean and learn Japanese!
There's lots of Korean stars who visit Japan, is that wrong? No!

Yes, I'm Japanese, I visited Japan recently and I saw tons of Korean stuff Especially in Tokyo. My cousin is obsessed with Kara too. My aunt went to a meet and greet event to see a Korean actor.
I personally Have absolutely nothing against Koreans and their culture, although I would be against the ones that hate Japan because of the past... But remember, The past is the past. its passed so why bring to the present again..

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