Saturday, October 8, 2011

Life in Japan... 30 +?


I will graduate from my bachelor degree when I'm 28 (I have some working experience) and my life in Japan may start as early as when I'm just about to turn 30. But I really want to become a part of the young community, those who are between 24 and 28. Is that possible?


Depends, of course the more you speak Japanese the more you can communicate with the Japanese.

Reading, writing and actually speaking a language are very different things. Vocabulary and comprehension is very important. Remember a 1st grader in America can read the alphabet A-Z but give them a copy of the New York Times and they will be bewildered.

So keep your Japanese studies up.

As for being part of the young community, the question is what do you plan to do in Japan? What groups will you be part of, remember Japan is all about being part of groups, being introduced to other people etc, that is all dependent on who's around you, who you initially meet, and who they introduce you to. That's the game of "LIFE".

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