Sunday, October 9, 2011

Question about hiragana?


Question about hiragana?
in a hiragana chart, there weren't any wi and we...why's that? do japanese people don't use wi and we?
BQ: how do you pronounce ん?
BQ2: when i was watching a japanese show, i saw the words in subtitles don't have any space...are all the words connected?


Q1: They are obsolete now, for various reasons. Read:…

Q2: ん is like the second part of anything that ends in an "n", sort of subtly hinting at the pronunciation. If you stretch the letter "n" out loud, it sounds like ehh-un. The ん is like the second part of it, which is a shortened form. It basically sounds like "n", though, when you say it fast and when it's combined with other hiragana.
Watch the third part of this for pronunciation:…

Q3: hiragana in Japanese are akin to letters in English. The hiragana make up sounds that attribute to words, so they're usually bunched up accordingly.

Q4: The signs that look like quotation marks are "ten-tens", and the little o's are "marus".
They change the first letter sound of the hiragana to another sound of the same set.
Example chart:…

>:O Any more questions? loool. I think you can google this stuff up pretty easily.

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