Sunday, December 4, 2011

Do teachers in Japan have the power to expel students?


I was wondering because in some manga, like Yu-Gi-Oh, there are some teachers who expel students for minor infractions, such as one chapter when one of the protagonists sends a love interest a puzzle and she was going to expell him because "It was a date waiting to happen" (underage dating was prohibited but all it was was a freaking puzzle and it didn't even say anything about dating him). In real life, do Japanese teachers really hold the power to expel students without having to go through the principal or Board of Education? If you want to see what I mean, read here:…


The school, not individual teachers, has the power to expel students.
So, the principal of the school is responsible for the decision.
The Board of education has nothing to do with this.
But they rarely expel their students, though.

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