Sunday, December 4, 2011

What's a good website where I can buy Japanese imported PS3s?


I'm going to make this my Christmas present and I'd like to know a good website.

Also, are PS3s region-locked? And how do I go about buying and importing a PS3 from Japan? How much would all of this cost?


check it's a chinese site but they have many japanese things, including video games and systems. Also and maybe Dospara might be good, too, but I don't know if they sell systems (they're good for computer parts is how I know of them)

though honestly I don7t know why you'd want a Japanese ps3. They're not region locked, so a US ps3 can play all the Japanese games just fine. The only difference between the two systems is the language it starts off in (and i think you can change a US ps3 into Japanese, just as you can change a jap ps3 into English) and the fact that the X and O buttons are reversed, which is annoying (for me, anyway). Other than that, ps3 games are region-free, and for Blu-Rays both Japan and the US are in region 1, so it doesn't matter at all.

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