Saturday, December 17, 2011

(Japanese) Did I put these adverbs correctly with the adjectives?


よく  あります

だいたい  ありません
ぜんぜん  ありません

よく  わかります
たくさん  わかります
とても わかります

すこし わかりません
ぜんぜん わかりません

だいたい じょうずじゃ ありません
すこし じょうずじゃ ありません

よく じょうずです。


Yes, the place of the adverbs are all correct. But, some of the sentences have strange meanings.
Like for instance: よく上手 ? what did you wanted to say ? 沢山分かる?while this is grammatically correct, i have never heard this before. 少し上手じゃありません is grammatically correct but, it sounds very unnatural. Replace 「すこし」 with 「あまり」 and its perfect !

Well it really depends on what you want to say but ill try.

沢山分かる ー if you want to say that you know A LOT about something, you should just say とても分かる。 or よく分かる。 thats enough ! If you want to say that you know A LOT things, then you should say 沢山の・・・・・・が分かる。 Like i said, its not wrong or mistake if you say 沢山分かる but its really not that preferable, as it sounds a little unnatural.

少し上手 ー here im not sure what did you wanted to say originally ? '' Im a little skillful '' ? You can't say that because it doesn't have any meaning at all. If you want to say '' im not that skillful'' you should use 「あまり」 instead of 「少し」 ー あまり上手じゃないですね。 This is very natural sentence. I think you could also say 「少し」 but in a special context. Like for example 「料理は上手でしょうか?」 「まぁー、少しだけですね」 In this context its ok ! As long as you don't pronounce them together like 「少し上手」 Its just that it sounds very odd so most people will find it too unnatural, maybe wouldn't even understand the meaning.

だいたい上手じゃない is also very unnatural. Im not even sure what does it mean. If you want to say something like '' so so '' you should say 「まあまあですね」 instead of 「大体」. but it really depends on the context and on what you exactly want to say.

The rest of the sentences are ok.

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