Saturday, December 17, 2011

What does 'yukio" mean in japanese??!?


ah, i don't know if that's how you spell it, but at a Radwimps concert, Yojiro would cry, "YUKIO" or something that sounded like that, and like he would say, 'yukio-- Ore ga iki teru ima ga kono toki ga' i was just curious if it had a meaning. ((sorry i can't spell it right, i don't know if that's the real spelling or something.)) [if it helps, he said the most during his song hikikomorin and 05410)]
Please help me out! it's bugging me!!


I may be wrong but he might have mean "Yuuki wo" Yuuki is Courage and wo is if you put it with another sentence not sure how to explain it. 勇気を俺が生きてる今がこの時が。。。the sentence is not supposed to be finished yet since there is a ga... I think... XD but anyway the sentence might mean I am courage until this time I live something like that (probably wrong again XD) unless his name is Yukio cause it's a name also. I hope somebody can give a better answer for this XD

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