Saturday, December 17, 2011

Question for who live in japan: when receive foreign emails you can see it?


I have a friend in japan and have a yahoo japanese email.
I would like to write her using hiragana and kanji, but I'm worried that
once I send the email to her, the characters/fonts would appear in strange way
or some character would appear as 'squares' form...

there's a way to avoid this? I want the email will be perfectly visualized by japanese.

If you are japanese, and have received foreign emails written in japanese, have you
notice if appears sometimes strange symbols or missing characters?
Or yahoo emails arrived always perfectly formatted?


It doesn't matter where you're located.
That's "garble" and that can happen when you use particular providers that don't accommodate different language (various characters). (I've heard that it could occur during transferring the information)
When I was using a certain provider in East Europe, that often happened to me. When it happened, I had to "encode" (as explained by the first answer) But nowadays I think most providers have got over.
I'd recommend you to use "international provider ( etc.)"

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