Thursday, December 8, 2011

Military Translator Degree?


I'm wanting to Join the Military to become a Japanese Translator.
Now if i remember right, i need a bachlors degree to be able to work and live in Japan.
Does a Military translator Degree qualify as a Bachlors degree?


I am assuming you are talking about the U.S. military. In that case, you have 2 choices. You can join the military and tell them that is what you want to do. They will then, if you get a high enough score on your language aptitude test, send you through language training. It is a very intense process and there is not guarantee that you will get to work in Japan. They may just sit you in a basement and have you translate Japanese news 24/7. The military program is also not a degree program. If the military chooses to send you to Japan, it will be through them and the degree requirement for a visa is irrelevant. If you leave the military, you will have work experience but no degree.

But, that being said, the better option might be to go learn Japanese and then go through the Monterey Institute. That way you can get a translation degree that will be applicable anywhere. You can still work for the military as a civilian and you will make a lot more money.

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