I want to go to school in Japan for my grade 11. But, I'm trying to do all the research I can so I convince my parents to let me go. Does it usually hit in Kyoto? Or Hokkaido? By Tokyo, or in the Southern regions? Northern Regions? How high do they usually go? And my mom has this crazy idea, Since Japan is so small, she is scared that a tsunami might take out the entire island. (of course I told her it was impossible) But, if there was a percentage (example "There is a ___% chance that Japan will be taken out by a tsunami...") then maybe I can convince her to let me go. If anyone can answer my questions, I would be so thankful. (:
Japan isn't one big island, but made up of four main islands. Kyoto seems to be far enough inland not to be hit by a tsunami.
The last tsunami went in about 5 miles inland. Chances of all of Japan being hit are zero. As the other poster told you, Japan is about the same size as California. There's never been an earthquake to take out such a large area. The recent quake was 9.0, the scale stops at 10.00.
Going to school in Japan is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Tokyo, Kyoto and Hokkaido should all be safe.
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