Friday, September 30, 2011

I have a few questions about Japan?


I want to visit Japan someday. I am self-teaching myself how to speak Japanese. I am an otaku. Please answer them. Arigatou!

1:Are some signs and other things translated? Like it is in Japanese and there is the translation below the text?

2.Don't they use English numbers like, 123456.....?

3:Which is used more Hirigana or Katakana?

4:Does the keyboards have Japanese characters and then English letters?

5.Do they read vertical instead of horizontal?


1) Street signs and signs in train stations are typically bilingual. Menus in tourist areas may be bilingual and/or may have pictures. Other signs may not be translated, especially outside of tourist areas.

2) Yes, but they also use kanji numbers.

3) Some do. There are also ways to set up the keyboard so you type in romaji and it gets translated into Japanese (hiragana, katakana, or kanji) as you type.

4) I would argue that kanji is used just as much as or even more than both, especially once you get out of grade school. If you want to read Japanese fluently you have to read all of the hiragana AND katakana AND around 2000 kanji. And that's just for basic fluency.

5) Things can be written (and read) in either format when written in Japanese.

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