i'm hispanic and i'm really attracted to japanese guys and korean guys ^_^ ... but what are the chances of me actually getting to date them? idk if they'd like me since i'm like an olive skin tone =\ (i'm also learning to speak korean and japanese if that helps knowing lol)
ps: what are the pros and cons of dating a japanese guy or a korean guy :)
1- Mervin is a moron. If you are beautiful and sexy, you are going to attract men. It may not be PC, and you Christian/Creationists won't like this, but to quote Chris Rock, when a man says that he has a friend who is a girl he is simply saying that he has this female friend who he hasn't had sex with.......yet. You put an attractive package in front of a Japanese man and he is going to want to jump your bones. Nope, that isn't PC but it is the truth. Yeah, he'll feel all conflicted and s**t because you aren't Japanese, but those bones are gonna' get jumped.
2- Forget Korean guys. Not saying don't rule them out, just saying this isn't the place to ask about Korean guys. From what I know about Japanese guys? They'll give you and the family their entire freaking life, work insanely odd hours, never see their kids, come home to a plate of food covered in plastic wrap that thank god they can now heat up in the microwave before they take a bath and go back to the insanity yet once again the next morning. I don't have sex with Japanese guys. I don't have sex with guys at all. I can say that the Japanese friends I have are for the most part really cool. I did see my friend slam his putter into the green because of a missed putt, doing a LOT of damage to the green, and although I felt astonished he would do such a thing, another part of me said, 'Yeah, man, that's cool. F**k it! Feels good, huh?'
Now I am going to take a wild guess here and say that you are watching a lot of K-Pop and J-Pop. I hate to burst your bubble, but the majority of Koreans and Japanese neither look like those guys or can dance like those guys. (Thank you JESUS for that last bit.)
Now, you want me to be serious? I will. Because you really did try to be serious. If I could give you one piece of advice, I would give you this. And it is the same advice that I have given to both my daughters. One listened and talked about it, the other thinks she is too cool for school and that K-Pop is going to change the entire world order.
You need to sit down, get in a relaxed state of mind, open to ideas and then listen to what Phil Collins has to say on this matter. Check him out at.....…
When my girls were really too young to talk to me, and I was flying back and forth between Tokyo and Osaka, doing the standard Japanese Dad thing, I carried a piece of paper in my wallet saying that if anything ever happened to me, all I wanted was for my girls to listen to this song once in a while. It may not catch on at first, but give it time. So, you get a ThreeDayPriest serious moment. It doesn't matter Japanese, Korean or American. Or any other nationality. Somebody, IF you are lucky, will eventually speak to your heart. At that time, it simply becomes Namaste.
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