Sunday, September 18, 2011

Will Sendai be safe to live in after 5 years?


I'm thinking about moving to Sendai after finnishing High School to attend a language institute, then pass the JLPT test and go to university there. :'>
Now, after this whole Fukushima thing, I wonder if Sendai will be relatively safe to live in after 5 years (when I'll be moving)?
Of course, I know that the radioactivity won't be gone. I just wonder if it will be okay to live there without facing direct danger everyday? ;P
Please no haters telling me not to go to language institute, or saying stuff like "whole japan will still be dangerous and there will be radio activity everywhere for many many years" cuz I ALREADY know that. But I really love Japan and I will go no matter what.
I repeat: please only answer "will it be ok to live in Sendai" ? >_<

Oh, and if you happen to know another city that will be even more safe to live in and that has a good language institute, then tell me that as well :'D <3
Thaaanks ~ <3


"Tea Time" doesn't know what they are talking about. Radiation levels in Sendai are about 0.15uSv / hr currently (, or about 1.2mSv / yr. You will pick up about another 1mSv from food etc. Considering that you get about 3mSv background living in Texas or most of Canada, and 6 - 18 mSv from a CT scan (and no-one in their right mind worries about the radiation risk from that), then you have nothing to worry about.

The question I would ask, is why spend 18 months of your life learning Japanese in order to try your luck with the EJU when most of the top ranked universities are starting to teach in English nowadays? If you want to study in Sendai (and why not? A fine place, I used to work there myself), then you could do worse than to study at Tohoku University ( Don't be put off by the meagre course list at the moment - that will grow over the next 5 years. Tohoku is ranked 5th in Japan. Indeed, most of the top universities are internationalizing this way (…

In short, nothing to worry about, nothing at all. You can email me if you have questions.

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