Monday, November 7, 2011

Cheapest options to fly from Australia to Japan then to Canada, back to Australia?


I want to travel over the christmas period 2012-2013.

I firstly live in Brisbane Australia and want to spend 2 weeks in Japan, then 2 weeks in Canada (if the flights are cheap). Once in Japan I plan on seeing the snow, and general tourist attractions throughout the country. In Canada, once again, just general tourist attractions.

What are the cheapest airports to fly into, and the best booking procedure to go through?


there is a little known fare called "Circle the Pacific" - you need to find the right travel agent and have him look it up

Basically, it originates in location X (let's say Australia) and you are allowed to travel to North Asia (e.g. Japan), the West Coast of the US (an incremental cost from the US to get you to Canada) and back to Australia

check it out

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