Monday, November 7, 2011

Japan ~ I have some questions regarding Japan?


Konnichiwa Minna, Genki Desu ka? :)

Watashiwa Deedlina desu, Yorishku Onegaismasu

I am a MuslimGirl and I wanted to know if there are many MuslimJapanese. Could you please tell me about the Muslim community in Japan and are there many Mosques? I plan to visit Japan one day :) Nihongo Daiski desu ~

Arigato Gusaimasu for your help :D


They say there are 100,000 Muslims in Japan. But indigenous Japanese are only 10,000. So it's 0.01% of Japanese people.

>are there many Mosques?

Not so many. But there are some for Muslims.

It's difficult to find halal foods in Japan, BTW.

>Could you please tell me about the Muslim community in Japan

This is one of them.…

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