Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Is 50,000 Yen a lot for an apartment in Japan as an English teacher?


I would really like to live in Japan as an English teacher and was wondering if 50,000 Yen a month is a lot for an apartment in Chiba earning 250,000 - 300,000 Yen a month. If you could, include other costs of living so I know how much I would have spare. It would also be great if you told me if you live there currently for more verification. Thanks!


5 man is reasonable for an apartment in Chiba. Lots of people earn 25 man a month and come out ahead every month. Other people earn the same and are always broke. If you watch your spending you will be fine. When I went to school in Japan I lived on about 10 man a month. I paid the family I lived with room and board and then had some walking around money. Then when I got a job and an apartment I went to lunch at a nice place a couple days a week, stopped at an Izakaya on the way home just about every night with my buddies, bought new suits, etc. So it is about your own self discipline/lifestyle. If people couldn't live on 25 man, then there would be millions and millions of Japanese who couldn't live either.

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