Wednesday, May 25, 2011

How can i get a japanese boyfriend?


i mean like is there something special or secret that i should do or something


Well..honestly its not that hard.
if you ever watched anime guys really do confess to girls like in anime (no joke)
I don't mean to sounds like i am bragging but I've been confessed to a lot by Japanese men "watashi wa suki desu Rachel chan"

I met a lot of Japanese guys on language learning websites and then I add them on skype (if i trust them somewhat) and then facebook . Now I at least know 300 japanese people
One thing you should do is try learning the language and asking a Japanese guy to help you ,who also wants to improve his english.

FYI Japanese men can be kinda shy so its not a bad thing to be a little forward.

other then this advice you should go to Japan or scope them out at colleges.

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