Monday, May 16, 2011

Is it compulsory to enroll in the national pension, even if you don't plan on retiring here in Japan?



If you are not Japanese, and if you are not going to live in Japan for 25 years, you don't need to pay. It's totally a waste of money. In fact 40% of the Japanese are not paying.

Older generation is receiving the pension, because they have paid the fee for 25 years, but younger generation does not believe that they can receive it when they get old and retire in the future. I am 95% sure that our national pension system will be malfunctioned in 20 years.

If you were a formal resident in Japan, you are required to "enter" this pension system, but, you can neglect it. You don't need to pay any of your precious money for this foolish system. There is no penalty for it.

As a Japanese, I do highly appreciate our national health-insurance system, but I don't think our national pension system can survive any more. But it is totally up to you whether or not you agree with our social security. If you don't give a dammnn about our social security for our older and the next generations, you don't need to pay an yen for our government unless you were filthy rich like me.

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