Saturday, May 21, 2011

What day does the 4 seasons start/end at japan?


and the dates of school festivals, school's summer and winter break, the time month they normally take exams, and other stuff related to a Japanese school.
I know this is a lot but thank you for reading my question.
PLEASE answer.


The same as the rest of the world, but there is also an old lunar calendar they follow for holidays that are not celebrated. They just kind of note, "Oh today is the "First Day of Winter." You can read about it more at:

Classes run Monday-Friday, but students and teachers go to school on Saturdays and holidays to work and practice their club activities respectively. Elementary school children do not go to school on the weekend.

The major breaks from school are August and March-April. August is summer vacation (the students take extra study courses and the teachers teach them during this time, but f you are an ALT or NS you are free). I get about 2.5 weeks vacation. March is the end of the school year...and April is the start. I get about 6 weeks at that time.

Also, there is Golden Week in May which gives you three days off. Almost every month there is at least 1 national holiday that will get you a day off school, usually a long weekend.

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