Friday, October 7, 2011

How can I live for 1 month in Japan on $2000?


Hi everyone, I'm moving to Japan this November to teach and have been struggling to save up enough money. We don't get paid for one month, and the company recommends that I arrive in Japan with 200,000 yen ($2600 approx) to live on initially. But so far it looks like all I'll be able to save up is around $2000. I do not have to pay key money or a deposit on the apartment (100sq ft), just the first month's rent of about $500. I have to set up the utilities and am responsible for my own food/drink for the whole month. I will live within walking distance to work, so I won't have to pay for bus fare or the train. The company gives us $200 for a small "start-up" budget, so in essence I will have $2,200 when I land (168,700 yen approx). If I kept a very tight budget and only spent money on:

- food
- rent ($500)
- setting up gas/water/electric
- setting up internet OR a landline phone (instead of a cell, I was going to skype my family)
- international phone cards (to phone home once a week in case I can't afford internet)

Could I conceivably do this? Would I ever be able to eat out with coworkers or friends? What other money-saving techniques can I use? Oh! And I will be living in Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan. Thanks!


It's possible but very tight. You can squeeze by with 30,000 yen for food if you are very frugal (buying fruits and vegetables from cheaper street vendors, buying bread at a discount near its expiration date, and so on) - you don't have to eat just rice every day - that's total nonsense.
But is your place already furnished? Does it have a bed or do you need to buy a futon? Getting stuff for it can be very high - look for some other foreigner's sayonara sale to pick up some things cheap - including the telephone subscription account, which otherwise will cost you almost 40,000 yen. There are over 8500 foreigners in Shizuoka City, but many don't stand out like you will.
Get some basic info on your upcoming home like a city made video at

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