Thursday, March 17, 2011

How can i volunteer in Japan?


I live in the U.S. & would like to help out. I don't have much money, but if someone can get me there, I'm willing to do whatever is needed. I currently have a civil service job, so they can't fire me if I do something like this... so why not? I'll do the stuff that no-one else wants to do. I care more about helping out than how dangerous whatever I'm doing is. Please contact me if you have any leads on this.


It is a very honorable thing to want to help those in need but unless you speak the language and are a registered doctor or disaster relief worker that has been directly asked to come, there is very little you can do inside Japan. ALL of the affected areas are blocked off to the general public and many countries are recommending that their citizens should not travel into the country. It is impossible for anyone to get into the Tohoku area.
What you CAN do, is donate to organizations that are helping out in Japan.
Here is a website that may help you. It lists the organizations that are currently helping Japan and how to donate to them. You do not have to donate a lot to make a difference.

How to Help Japan;
Earthquake Relief Options (Listed on the Huffington Post Website)…

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