Monday, April 25, 2011

Do you have any impressions about Japan?


Please tell me the impression to the people and culture.
I expect honest opinions.
Sorry for bad English usage.


Your English was pretty good. When I think of the people from Japan, I think of black hair. When you see someone that is Japanese there hair is always black. I have heard that people in Japan give gifts to each other a lot. The technology seems to be more advanced then America as well. Some of the people in the older generation like my grandpa is still mad at your country because of the bombing of pearl harbor. My grandpa holds grudges though. However the generation I am in is not mad about that though to us it is just history now. I honestly do not have any bad impressions about Japan. I had the opportunity to go to japan once but I did not get to go because the swine flu was really bad in Japan at the time. So they say anyways. Another thing that pops in my head when i think of Japan is sushi. I really dislike sushi. Some Americans love but not me. I heard that you have a lot of festivals there like the girls festival and the boys festival. I think the boys festival is when the boy turns 7 i think or is it the girls I am not sure. Well I hope this helps you get an idea of what we think. Oh and your food seems a lot healthier then ours.

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