Monday, April 25, 2011

Japanese Verb Question?


In the following sentence why is 見てればいい used instead of 見ればいい?

悲しみなんて吐きだして 前だけ見てればいいんだっけ。

Is it o.k. to add ーればいい after the -て form? Or is there something else going on there that I don't get? Please help; I've been trying to learn Japanese verb conjugations and this is really bugging me.


見ている is closer to "(keep) looking/watching" than 見る (look/watch)

見てればいいんだっけ comes from 見ていれば いいの です よね。

..... ば いい is "conditional" form. Check conjugation chart in the following link.
見れ -ばいい and 見ていれ -ばいい are both categorized in Group 2a (上一段 kami ichidan)…

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