Thursday, June 9, 2011

How much Japanese will I learn in 5 weeks while I am in Japan?


I really want to learn Japanese and I have tried to study it before in a university here in England but it was only 2 hours a week and once class had finished, I had no one to practice with so I forgot a lot of it by the next weeks class. Even now I can only remember one or two sentences.

However, I want to do a Japanese language course actually in Japan but the most I can afford is 5 weeks (the school I want to go to says this is the average number of weeks most people stay).

You can go over with very little Japanese but they suggest that you learn Hirigana first as much as possible though they will help you if you are struggling with it when you land.

The lessons are 20 hours a week and accommodation is provided with the school. The price is around 197,032 Yen not including money for shopping and activities. The school is based in Fukuoka.

Do you think this is worth it? I can't do the Jet Program because I haven't got an undergrad degree so the option of learning Japanese while teaching English isn't an option for me :/



Please be aware that Japanese is one of the most difficult languages to learn and grasp. Say if you were spending 5 weeks in Italy to learn Italian then yes you will learn a lot. 5 weeks is not enough in my opinion to learn even the basics of Japanese

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