i'm just curious do they have cheerleader in japan like in canada and u.s? and also i remember reading someones answer on yahoo somewhere that students in japan cant dye their hair (i'm guessing high school students) which is just absolutely ridiculous, i know, but i was just wondering if that was true. thankx in advance!!
Yes. There are some cheerleaders but it is a bit different to US. I don't know about Canada.
I think Japanese cheerleaders do not belong to hierachy such as Jock and Queen Bee.
They just support the team.
Some Japanese students do hair dye. Some school allow students to change hair colour but some school don't. They are just not following the rules.
I know the rule about hair colour is ridiculous and I hate it when I was a teenager.
Well 99 percent of Japanese has black hair.
A lot of Japanese school does not accept student to wear makeup, piercing and tatoo.
A lot of adult think School is place to study not for fashion show.
They don't accept students' their own style like US high school.
I think young girls shouldn’t dye hair too much because it damage their healthy fine looking hair.
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