Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Got orders to Misawa AB, what's it like there now?


We will be reporting there at the end of summer. Before for the earthquake we were so excited. We have no choice of course, but can anyone tell me what its like there now? One thing we were looking forward to a lot was the local fresh food. Not so sure now.


The comments here are amazing:… A lot of the commenters had lived through a very strong earthquake in the 60s, and shared their experiences.

Facebook also has a page for the air base:…

And you might like to keep an eye on the radiation levels in surrounding prefectures:…

Misawa is in Aomori prefecture by the way. You might see the prefecture mentioned in one of the English-language newspapers. Here's a link to the Daily Yomiuri:

Right now, the worst of the danger is within 10 miles of the Fukushima Power Plant. There may be trace amounts of radiation in Aomori produce, but quite frankly, I think the danger is very low. I think you'd do more damage to your health by NOT eating fresh, vitamin-packed produce than by eating produce that has a very, very low amount of radiation. Remember, in some places, they use radiation to *treat* veggies to help keep them fresh longer.

Enjoy your time in Japan! I was in Misawa-town for a short visit, and loved the Komaki baths! There are still a lot of exciting things about being there.

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