Monday, October 3, 2011

今度, また今度 - Difference?


From my understanding, kondo can mean, 'next time' and mata means 'again'.

Let's say you went to eat a Hawaiian food with your friend but the restaurant was closed.
If you are saying, let's go eat Hawaiian food next time, would it be: ハワイ料理は今度 or would it be ハワイ料理はまた今度?


Both could mean almost same.
If I were to translate them in two different ways:
今度 is "next time",
"また今度" means like "not this time".

ハワイ料理は今度食べよう is like "Let's go Hawaian food, next time"
ハワイ料理は、また今度食べよう is like "Let's forget about Hawaian food today. May be some time later."

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