Friday, December 16, 2011

Which Language to Learn: Mandarin or Japanese?


Hey everyone! I wanted to get a few opinions on which language to learn. I'm having difficulty choosing between the two. I really like Japanese culture, and had Japanese 1 in highschool. I enjoyed that class and know a good bit about Japans history. However, I realize that Chinese is becoming a very important language to learn nowadays, and I have a goldmine of native speakers to help me learn. I don't know much about the culture (which makes me less enthusiastic to learn), and I know it's a very difficult language to learn. I would be interested in hearing what everyone has to say on this matter. And if anyone has anything interesting to share about either culture, I would love to hear that as well! Thank you and Happy Holidays!


Mandarin is a popular language which everyone wants to learn and Japanese is easier than Chinese. But since you are already aware of Japanese culture & history so I would suggest learning Japanese. In high school you must have met some Japanese guys so its bit easy to learn it with help of them.

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