Saturday, March 26, 2011

How skinny can Japanese girls get?


Not being a model or anorexic. Like what can the average Japanese (teenager ^^) be as thin as?


Japan is the world's one of the lowest rates of obesity, and both men and women, the average life expectancy are among the best in the world, and their prevalence of cardiovascular disease, especially low. As to why Japanese women never get fat? Still a mystery.
I have lived in Japan for some time, has deep feelings, so want to write a book about Japanese food, but because I do not have a medical background, which is not very confident.
But a few years ago, I suddenly began while writing two books about Japanese book, and to two books, I began to use chopsticks and personally tried every kind of dishes mentioned in the book, an unexpected result, My weight 10 kg lighter, wearing clothes two sizes smaller full. Now, in my book, "chopsticks diet" launch, I hope, and every reader to share the good news: all that simple - use the chopsticks to enjoy the delicious and nutritious Japanese-style cuisine.

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